Respondent name
Bryan Shaw
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Plan does not comply with latest government announcement (Sept 2021) on development of green belt land for housing.
Paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that ?inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances." Therefore, the construction of any new buildings would be considered inappropriate development on Green Belts
The government is to set out the new hard and fast laws around planning in its Planning Bill and the Prime Minister?s speech shows there?s a real opportunity here to improve the system for people, communities and nature. This decision should be reflected in the WBC Local Plan.
Brownfield development should be the first approach, done right, it could ensure levelling up means building more affordable homes for young people across the country, but particularly in the midlands and north.?

Modification if applicable

Development as proposed for 130 new homes to the north of the village should be cancelled as this will :
1) place unacceptable increased traffic flow on Golbourne Rd, Waterworks Lane, Green Lane, Hornby Lane and the A49 Swan Junction. Recently fitted traffic calming measures fitted to Golbourne Rd will not be fitting to increased flow especially linked to the proposed Parkside development which will see increased traffic flow from the rounabout at Woodhead. The two bends at Hermitage Green and the width of the carriageway are not suitable for current traffic flow, nevermind any increase
2) Traffic volume flows in the centre of the village will cause risk to life
3) Young children from additional homes will cause problems at the Primary School which is currently bursting at the seams
4) Additional development as indicated previously will cause unacceptable traffic levels along Myddleton lane both during the day and at rush hour. This road is currently subject to an ineffective traffic management system which the Parish Council is aware but no action is being taken as yet.
5) Myddleton Lane, Delph Lane, Highfield Lane & Waterworks Lane are used as ?shortcuts? to the Birchwood employment area, a noticeable traffic increase being noted since the housing development on the nearby Vulcan site
6) Being close to the M6 jct22, the traffic levels, especially if there is congestion on the M6, cause unacceptable levels of pollution and noise on the local roads around Winwick, esoeciallt the A49 link road and A49