Respondent name
Andy Slee
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Breach of Wildlife and Countryside act 1981, a number of birds at Moore Nature Reserve are either in schedule 1 or schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countrysde Act 1981.

The Western Bypass is unsound, superflous, redundant now the Walton Housing is removed an a badly thought out progression of planning of bridges / crossings across the Mersey built in recent years. The Mersey Gateway Bridge can be used to bring traffic into the new proposed area at Fiddlers Ferry, there is space to improve the roads from Fiddlers ferry towards Warrington. The South East Urban Eastes should use the originally palnned route from the original New Town plan for which land was safegaurded. A new route to the West of the town centre will only encourage more traffic to bypass tolls on the Mersey Gateway, contributing to more congestion in Warrington (I'd use it for that purpose on my commute from South Warrington to Liverpool to save tolls). The recent Bridgefoot bypass should have been made with higher capacity if Chester Road, without extra housing is again at capacity. It seems a poorly thought out and executed plan to date for Western link roads / bypasses if additional roads keep having to be built, which to me, fits the very definition of the future plans being based / judged / evaluated by the same people making mistakes and therefore can be challenged as "unsound". Neither does the Western bypass benefit the proposed new estates in the South East Urban Extension

Modification if applicable

Remove the Western Bypass. No extra housing is going that end of town but a nature reserve (Moore NNR) with schedule I (Wildlife and Countryside act 1981) species will be affected negatively, up to and including loss of species that winter / breed such as Bittern and Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker. There will be a significant number of scheudle 2 species such as overwintering ducks also affected. Instead, re-instate the planned North South Link Road between Stockton Heath and Latchford to directly bring traffic from teh new estates into the centre of Warrington (assuming that these estates are planned for people from Warrington, rather than these been commuter estates to Manchester etc).