Respondent name
J Wrigglesworth
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Re Thelwall Heys. (MD5.1)
I do not accept that withdrawal of Thelwall Heys from Green Belt is justified. South East Warrington's Green Belt areas are already being hit very hard by this plan. No loss of prime agricultural land with associated mature trees, hedgerows and wildlife habitats should be undertaken lightly for the convenience of developers. The open views and sense of well being it provides to the many users of the TransPenine Trail, the Bridgewater Canal and Cliff Lane should not be undervalued. It marks a key boundary to Warrington's urban areas at the A56/A50 junction.

Re 10.5.2 Effect on local heritage
The much used Grade II listed Pickering Bridge overlooks this site - a rural landscape. Standing on the bridge watching the sun set over a housing estate will not be the same!

Re 10.5.5 limited sustainable transport options
There is no detail on access to the site. The adjoining roads (A50 and A56) have narrow or non existent pavements and no safe crossings making them unsuited to much pedestrian traffic. There are amenity paths - Bridgewater Canal and Transpennine Trails - but these get muddy with standing water and are unlit so again are poorly suited to general acess to local services. Access to the nearest train station (in central Warrington) by bike requires crossing the ring road and negotiating multi-laned roundabouts such as Bridgefoot. (My spouse has already been knocked off once). Getting to the proposed South East Warrington Employment Area on foot or by bike up the A50 would be foolhardy. The pavement is too narrow for walking, it's unlit and traffic can be moving at 60 mph.

Paragraph/policy sub

10.5.2, 10.5.5