Respondent name
Anthony Brown
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Whilst recognising the reduction in both the number of houses to be built annually and the number of hectares of green land to be used, I do not consider these to be sufficient to make the plan sound, for the Warrington South area in particular.
As a Resident of Cobbs Estate I can verify that there is already insufficient capacity to cope with current volumes of traffic especially at school times, existing routes to leave and enter the estate via Lumb Brook, Dingleway and Lyons Lane are not sufficient and it will be very difficult to provide additional entry/exit points or to increase existing capacity. A similar problem exists in respect of traffic routes over the various waterways south of Warrington and the town centre and any works to attempt to address these should be completed prior to any building of the proposed additional dwellings.
I also consider the plan to be unsound in respect of the planned volume of social housing to be required of any private developers and also the number of additional Schools, Medical and Leisure facilities are woefully inadequate and the lack of any specific timescales for the provision of the same massively reduces any confidence of them being built in advance of the additional houses. Failure to do so would place intolerable pressure on already overstretched existing resources.

Modification if applicable

As detailed above additional traffic management infrastructure need to be identified, planned and implemented prior to any further housing development projects commencing. More specific proposals are also required for additional Schools, Medical and Leisure facilities need to be developed and again provided prior to any additional houses are built to avoid the addition of further pressure on over-stretched exiting service.