Respondent name
Gordon Tydd
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I don't see the need for 2000 houses plus industrial, how does this benefit Penketh. The answer is it doesn't. You have already built over every spare bit of land in the local area, Burtonwood Army Depot, Whittle Hall and, United Utility site .Planning permission seems to be given for every planning request in the local area. To get back to Fiddlers Ferry why is any green belt being proposed to be built on.The plan states more trees will be planted than taken up, it takes years for a tree to grow to maturity, destroying established and existing woodland is vandalism. You will not see the benefit of saplings for years, The plan It is a massive site that the Residents of Penketh have looked at over the years and now you are trying to put numerous warehouses and houses on this site. There is a huge warehouse being built on Gorsey Lane, Widnes, just the first of goodness knows how many to be built. Where are the 4000 + extra vehicles going to go not to mention the haulage traffic. What levels of pollution can we expect when we are supposed to be looking to a greener future. Will any of these houses or units have heat pumps, solar panels, electric charging points for cars. I see no mention of it in this proposal. Where will the water run from all of these proposals go and the sewage or will this be pumped into the river as seems to be happening now. Will these properties be insurable being so close to the river and canal both of which have a history of flooding. Due to climate change and the expected rise in sea levels, how will this impact the river levels and the new proposed buildings. According to projected forecasts river levels in Warrington will rise. We have already seen flooding in the immediate area, will the council guarantee these proposed plans will not make flooding more likely. In my opinion Warrington has more than fulfilled any obligation for new residences which number in the 1000's , it's a town not a city.