Respondent name
Dr. Elizabeth Frances Lindon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Duty to co-operate ; See minutes of meetings , the concerns raised by Highways England and United Utilities with regard to the impact of the development . No evidence that their concerns have been met.
Sustainability ; Health deprivation ; no plan to to provide a new primary care facility for this development , increase pressure on surrounding facilities , no new community centre / sports facility . Obesity rising ; removing land severely restricts options for outdoor exercise . Dependency on and congestion from cars increases already high air pollution linked to premature death ; recent court case [ asthma ] , dementia . strokes and heart attacks. Green infrastructure should be protected and enhanced ; rural land being developed. Shortage of affordable housing ; proposed development will not mitigate this. Need to protect grade 2 and 3 a agricultural land ; this is being developed.Nature conservation and wider green infrastructure needs to be protected , enhanced and made more resilient ; the opposite would occur.
Soundness ; unmet need from other boroughs or Warrington s un met need taken up by other boroughs not thoroughly explored.New home owners would be commuting for work , not working within Warrington Borough.
so the creation of local jobs /revitalisation of the city centre does not follow .

Modification if applicable

A thorough exploration of brownfield sites in Warrington and other Boroughs .
A plan which includes a new primary care facility and sports and fitness centre .
Scaling back of this development by 80 per cent.and increasing the proportion of social housing .
An electric bus network serving this facility .