Respondent name
Jake Honor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I am a local Resident of Stockton Heath who fundamentally disagrees with the selection of this area for the building of additional houses and other developments for the following reasons:
- The new housing and industrial development will increase the traffic problems in our already congested village and bring additional parking problems to our already congested streets.
- Air pollution within our village has already been proven to be approaching World Health Organisations recommended maximum levels and this proposal will yet still further contribute to it. I note that the local plan is silent on air pollution issues, not mentioning air pollution once.
- There is no plan to overcome the issue of canal crossings in the proposal which will also again contribute significantly to traffic and air quality problems in local areas of Stockton Heath.
- There is no analysis in the plan as to the pressure on communities and existing local facilities such as schools (already oversubscribed), dentists and GP surgeries (oversubscribed or stretched as well). I highly doubt the new facilities provided will (ever) fully meet the needs of the additional capacity needed. I must also add that there is no guarantee or firm commitments in the plan that the schools, medical centre, or leisure centre will ever be developed which again piles further pressure of existing already overstretched services.
- We will lose open green land which has been enjoyed for generations.
There are always loopholes in law and rationale for developing areas for profit in the name of the 'good of the people', but it does not detract from the fact that this development plan was and still is clearly unsustainable and fundamental not sound in both a moral and practically sense in terms of size and scope for this specific area of the country.
I unfortunately believe this will be passed by the local council, as per other developments in the area, as the council see this as an easy win in terms of some nominal infrastructure improvements and increased council tax; plus, the government on the other hand generates profit via Homes England as a government agency.
However, and notwithstanding all of these positives for the local council and government, it does not detract from the fact that this development plan was clearly unsustainable and unsuitable for this specific area of the country based on infrastructure alone.
We all only have a short window of time of earth and should strive to make a positive contribution to our socially. A positive contribution in this case is to reject this proposal out right, if not for your own moral compass, then for the future generations to come who will hold you accountable for the decision made as they will be the ones negatively impacted by this type of development plan.

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