Respondent name
Geoff Stocker
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Plan appears to me to be unsound for a lengthy list of reasons:
1. It does not feel deliverable in its present form as many of the proposals are not practically achievable.
2. Growth seems to be driven by new housing proposals, themselves damaging the Green belt, and not as it should be through the creation of economic benefit via realistic developments in conjunction with neighbouring authorities.
3. The infrastructure South East of the town is already inadequate, but no new bridges or roads are proposed to accommodate the huge housing developments suggested in this direction. The A49 is currently overloaded causing very poor conditions for Residents adjacent to it along its length, especially in Stockton Heath and Lymm desperately needs a crossing of the Ship Canal independent of the peel Holdings Warburton stranglehold.
4. There are no justifications for: Predicted Growth; Volume of Housing South of Stockton Heath; Green Belt release; damage to local ecology and environmental pollution; explanation of how transport infrastructure to the South will cope with increased traffic volumes.

Modification if applicable

In order to make these proposals sound, the Council needs to reconsider its misguided reliance on building new houses around outlying villages on valuable Green Belt areas, agreed for general wellbeing , by starting with an economic development plan for the town centre and central Brown-Field sites in conjunction with adjoining boroughs. All the points raised in Question 4 above need addressing with alternative proposals - there is little point in repeating them here.