Respondent name
Martin Cooper
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

We are writing to express our concern with the latest version of the Local Plan for south-east Warrington. We believe that the plan in its current form is not sound, i.e. not justified, not deliverable nor in line with locally assessed needs:
We strongly object to the idea of building on Green Belt land ? the proposed building will destroy local wildlife habitats and permanently change the rural character of the local area for the worse, at the very time when we must be working with nature, not against it. Land designated as Green Belt must remain so for the benefit of future generations;
The proposed changes to infrastructure are wholly inadequate for the scale of the new houses proposed in the plan and detail in the plan is lacking. The proposed road changes are clearly insufficient and congestion in south Warrington will worsen as a result. There are no guarantees that additional schools, medical and leisure facilities and a recycling centre will ever be built ? this will lead to increased pressure on already stretched services;
Air quality issues have not been addressed in sufficient detail;
There is no mention in the plan of building carbon neutral homes ? it is unacceptable that any new homes will be built now but will require retro-fitting of air source heat pumps to replace gas boilers, for example, in just a few years? time.
We strongly believe that this development should not go ahead.