Respondent name
Annemarie Shepherd
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

It is not sound because:-
- it includes Peel Hall as a site suitable for development when it is not - primarily due to the impact on local infrastructure, use of a site which is not brownfield, impact on flood plain, massive contributor to existing poor air quality, loss of biodiversity. The points of access/exit are not sustainable, if the bus route is to join the existing one up to Birchwood then it will remain largely unused, due to unreliability, cost and congestion on the bus. More buses means more air pollution through what is currently a clean site.

Modification if applicable

Removal of Peel Hall as a suitable site for development of housing.

Summary of comments

I object to the inclusion of Peel Hall as a site suitable for development in the Local Plan.
Policy 2.1.50 Pollution - The major source of pollution at a local level though has been assessed as related to transport,primarily road.
2.1.51 Climate Change - impact on air pollution levels within an already congested area next to 2 main motorways contravenes the Council's commitment to climate change.
3.4.3 Brownfield sites -The Local Plan will ensure that as much use as possible is made of suitable Brownfield and underutilised sites.