Respondent name
Laura Mellor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

This plan is not sound.

It fails to take into account a lot of important factors that must be considered when creating new homes. Will there be more schools, medical centres, shops, pharmacies, public transport, areas for children to play and roads to cope with the influx of people and cars? If schools and medical centres are put in place, will there be enough doctors and teachers to work in new establishments? Traffic getting to the centre of Warrington can already be ridiculous at busier times of the day, I dread to think of how much worse it will be and the pollution that will bring.

Also with all the talk on the importance of preventing climate change, preserving the environment and reducing pollution, it seems absurd to be proposing thousands of large houses on green belt land. Currently there is a lot of talk about the climate due to COP26 and to me, the fact that the government is still even considering large housing projects on greenbelt proves that they don't actually care about the environment at all.

Lastly, with housing prices increasing and wages largely staying the same, it is unrealistic to expect large amounts of people to be able to afford large houses in the suburbs. I'm a 21 year old university student and nearly everybody I know of my age are still living with parents and have no plans of moving out any time in the foreseeable future because we simply could not afford it.

Modification if applicable

If large developments need to be made in Warrington, developments need to be spread so they are not all in the south of Warrington. It seems unfair that all changes are in one area as Warrington is a large town.

More focus needs to be put onto using brown belt land before using green belt. More of the housing needs to be affordable and guaranteed to be within distance of services such as schools and medial centres.