Respondent name
Jane Buckley
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I have seen no evidence that Warrington Council has considered other sites - brown field sites. We know the landowner is willing to sell this land but that is not sufficient reason to remove this area from Green Belt.
Croft is a small village. Local amenities are not developed - local roads are busy, the bus service is poor, there is no local shop. Access turning right into Abbey Close / Deacons Close seems dangerous now as cars travel too fast on the main road. Deacons Close has cars parking on both sides. It could not cope with extra traffic to the proposed estate. This development is entirely inappropriate for Croft

Modification if applicable

I think this estate should not be built for the reasons given above.
I have concerns about access for emergency vehicles and for the safety of children walking to school ( many walk through the estate rather than on the main road which has a narrow pavement)
I have concerns that the flooding problems that exist in Croft will become worse if the estate were to go ahead. I think Green Belt is important for improving air pollution, and reducing the impact of climate change