Respondent name
John Hallam
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

This plan is not justified, not deliverable and not in line with locally assessed needs.
Original figures of population forecast are outdated and it makes no sense for the council to be bound by these figures. The world has changed beyond recognition in the last 2 years and we all need to be thinking differently. It is no longer business as usual.
The new dwellings and the associated vehicles are unsustainable in this area . Air quality - a major factor, in the health and well-being of existing Residents, should be higher up in the agenda.
The Infrastructure to support this proposal ie schools etc is not in place and won?t be for a long time ( if ever). The pressure on existing services is already being felt by providers and users.
Public transport, already suffering due to the drop in usage because of the pandemic, is notoriously unreliable in this area and without massive investment there will be no improvement. Any income from the sale of this land goes to the government and Developers- the council tax generated will fall far short of that needed to improve the lives of the Residents. Short term gain for long term destruction. We will not be able to turn the clock back.
There are many areas of Warrington that could benefit from development without building on green belt land. If COP26 has taught us anything it?s that we are destroying our world and every one has to play their part in trying to change things. Building on green belt flies in the face of the everything being said. We need to be putting a greater value on this land other than financial and maintaining it for future generations.

Modification if applicable

Current development in South Warrington area should cease for the reasons given above. Without new schools and infrastructure improvements the local plan is unsustainable.

Paragraph/policy sub

Sections 10.2 and 10.6