Respondent name
Dr Ann Davies
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I am objecting to the proposed development of two new housing estates in Winwick and Peel Hall on the following grounds:

1)The proposal is not legally compliant as the council have failed in community involvement for this development. The notification given by the parish council in October 2021 is the first many Residents have had. This does not meet with your own core strategy statement of ?community involvement that provides opportunities for more active participation earlier in the plan" (section 1.1 of the statement of community involvement 2020).

2) The roads surrounding these areas are already extremely busy with traffic in the rush hours and the building of another 1330 houses would only add to the problem. Congestion from traffic already adds time onto commutes and another 1000 plus cars in the area would greatly add to the problem. The roads through Winwick village already pose a risk to the children who reside here when walking to school. Also the pollution from this extra traffic could potentially add another 2500 tonnes of CO2 to the local area per year. I suggest there will be a huge environmental impact from this development on local wildlife, pollution and the council?s carbon footprint.

3) The local schools, GP surgeries and dentists are already at capacity and cannot possibly cope with an influx of new families seeking these facilities. The infrastructure is not in place to allow more families to move into hundreds of new homes and the building of one new primary school would not address the problem fully as these children also need high schools.

4)The land in and around Winwick village is of historical importance and Historic England state that the Battle of Winwick is included on the Register of Historic Battlefields. It also states that Winwick is the only battlefield from the English Second Civil War to survive in a good state of preservation. I suggest that the proposed site of the new housing development may well fall within the area of battlefield during this period.

5)In your 2014 core strategy policy you stipulate that the council will maintain the general extent of green belt until at least 2032. In doing so it would prevent the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas, prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another and safeguard the countryside from encroachment. The proposed developments do not fall in line with your strategy as if they go ahead they will allow for urban sprawl, merging of districts and countryside encroachment. This is especially true since the proposed Parkside development is less than 1 mile away, Omega continues to expand and Haydock point?s proposed development is less than 6 miles away. With all these developments very near by the protection of the green belt in and around Winwick is of paramount importance. In your strategic vision for Warrington (2014) you suggest that in 2027 ?the focus on regeneration has limited outward growth of the town and has enabled the continued protection of the Green Belt.? In the council?s strategic objectives you stipulate that you will maintain the permanence of the green belt and the character of the countryside?and protect them from inappropriate development. This proposed development will go against this vision and therefore is not an appropriate strategy.

The above reasons I feel make this development non effective as it is not deliverable.

Modification if applicable

Residents should have been consulted more on every aspect of this development. Developments of this scale need the appropriate infrastructure in place such as road networks, schools and health facilities as current infrastructure will not be able to cope with the added number of Residents.