Respondent name
Dr Paul Ewing
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Draft plan involves adding 4200 houses to the South East Extension over time - with 2,400 new houses before 2037 ...this is a huge addition on greenfield without first building on brownfield sites available within Warrington - these brownfield sites should be developed to the maximim before greenfield building is considerend. Secondly, the addition of a huge tranche of housing is planned without sufficiently improving the infrastructure - there are no plans for managing the traffic associated with these new houses on the main roads in and our of the south of Warrington and no new crossings of the Bridgewater canal planned - this will add huge congestion to our town, adversely impacting on air quality and carbon emissions. Finally, South Warrington has been a pleasant place to live (I have lived in the area since 1989) , the developments proposed int eh plan will drastically alter the nature of the area - turning a characterful area into just another suburban sprawl of new housing estates...why do this to our town? No Resident I have spoken to about this wants this scale of development - the Council should represent the wishes of the local community and we should be given the right to vote on approving the plan

Modification if applicable

To make the plan sound
1. develop all brownfield sites within Warrington before developing greenfield sites
2. Drastically scale back the size of the development - as it stands it will cause irreparable harm to the character of the south of Warrington
3. Provide for further improvements in infrastructure to alleviate traffic problems and avoid increasing pollution
4. Only pass the plan if it gets a majority of votes from local Residents in a referendum