Respondent name
Rachel Corbridge
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The policy in respect of Objective 2 Greenbelt suggests that areas of the greenbelt, in particular in the SE Warrington Urban Extension, should be allocated to significant Residential housing and employment use. The legislation states that use of the greenbelt for these purposes should be by exception and it does not seem to be the case in this plan.
The allocation of green belt to these purposes also appears to run contrary to the ambitions set out on Objective 5 - 8.6 Quality of Place as by definition it will result in a loss of green spaces and quality of environment that can never be replaced.
The 'quality of place' will also be challenged by the extent of development in the SE of the borough without specific plans for development of local hubs, schools, infrastructure and health services. Vague statements about what may be built will not help deal with the issues of congestion and over demand for services once the houses have been built. Services in the south of the borough are already stretched and the infrastructure runs on a knife edge when considered in relation to the motorway network which often decants onto the A49 causing serious congestion and delays. This also creates issues of poor air quality for the town. The plan should be looking forward to reducing dependence on car travel, for example by proposing better public transport but this is not apparent in the plan where any wording is very vague and generic.

Modification if applicable

The plan should be modified to reduce the number of Residential homes being built on the green belt and so reduce the loss of greenbelt for the borough.
The sections on proposals for future development of hubs, infrastructure and health services in the Se Warrington Urban Extension should be made more specific to ensure that they are provided in a timely way and are available in readiness for the housing development. recent housing construction has not been supported by any infrastructure or service provision.