Respondent name
Samantha owen
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I do not feel qualified to know whether or not the proposal is legal or compliant
But I do not feel as if it is sound.
Whilst I do not disagree a plan is needed. I do Not believe it reflects the current need for the town.
To base the proposal on prediction seems a little concerning as some of the figures do not add up with the recent studies carried out.

The rate of new homes
built is higher than the most recent growth estimates for the town predicted. How is it justified?

It truly appears that almost half of these house are expected to serve as residencies for commuters working outside of warrington.
With this huge expected influx of Residents where will these new jobs be? The town plans appear to be for unskilled or semi skilled.

Not for professionals which are more likely to be able to afford the new houses.

The lack of infrastructure is a huge concern. At present warrington sufferers regularly with congestion, not just from when the swing bridge opens, but any sort of problem with the motorway it simply filters throught the town!
Iv lost count how many times iv got stuck on Knutsford Road for hours.

There doesn't appear to be the infrastructure to support more housing, schools, and shops. I can only imagine the mayhem this will add to the ever increasing problem.

The additional number of vehicles associated with new houses are likely to add to existing poor air quality and congestion in the area.

This will also have a huge impact on the local biodiversity.

In recent months public transport in Warrington has become embarrassing. With the number of cancelled buses, poor service, inconsistent times and over priced fares.
How will the public transport link be improved to cater for not just the new development but improving it for current Residents. Where will the money come from for this?