Respondent name
Lindsey Bate
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Loss of greenbelt and wildlife.
This is a traditional equestrian village where focus should be on saving green belt, expanding green space, creating additional bridleways and reducing traffic.
The small estate of Deacons Close cannot cater for additional traffic for site vehicles or additional Residential vehicles (approximately 120 cars). There is only one entry point which is on a blind bend. Deacons Close is already heavily populated with overcrowding of parked cars (due to lack of drive/garage parking), small children playing on bikes/scooters, horses and riders.
In the past the emergency services have been unable to access the required address due to the
volume of parked cars on the street.
Noise, dust and pollution from the building site would effect the houses, Residents and school that back onto the development site.
The traffic in Croft village is already dangerous and is grid locked on most days at peak times. Vehicles
already use Croft as a through road to local businesses from the M6 through to Risley/Birchwood
business park. Most days there is a build up of stationary traffic at the Horse Shoe Inn junction. The
entrance at Abbey Close to the proposed site is on a blind bend and additional vehicles within the
estate will only add to the already busy junction.
The village and proposed site has a flood problems on a regular basis.