Respondent name
David Pennington
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I believe that the plan is unsound as it has the same flaws as the original plan submission. The plan pays very little attention to the plentiful packets of brownfield or underused land within the Warrington area. There are numerous under utilised industrial and commercial areas that if re-developed could provide a higher density of employment or housing. I would therefore state that until a full and complete review of such site is completed no green belt should be released. Additionally there is little consideration for the changing nature of the town centre with the certainty of having to repurpose many of the empty commercial units.
A greater focus should be on the development of the former Fiddlers Ferry site and a larger concentration of housing and quality employment units should be considered to remove the need for the release of greenbelt. It would therefore be of assistance if the plan period was reduced to ensure that this is the only major development thus protecting the greenbelt for as long as possible.
The release of the greenbelt in South Warrington will add to the chronic transport problems and poor air quality that already exists, and there is no detailed or realistic proposal to improve the provision. This is something that should already have been addressed with the current level of traffic and housing but the council has repeatedly failed to address this issue. The extensive industrial development proposed for South Warrington will create further congestion on an already over stretched motorway system and would be dangerous and cause further environmental damage.