Respondent name
Catherine Green
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The proposal is for an area that is currently Greenbelt and therefore I believe it is not legally compliant. Additionally, the area has significant heritage interest and has formal battlefield status. In the plan the Developer has made several statements that cannot be substantiated. The site does not work in the current location. The primary school is inadequate to support such a development and has no scope to expand in its current location. Furthermore, the proposed development is a disproportionate increase on the current size of the village. Access to the site is poor and not easily improved. Golborne Road is already a very busy road with heavy traffic, especially in the morning and evening. This proposed development ? with multiple car occupancy - would not only increase road traffic but also pollution, and make access (especially to properties directly from Golborne Road and Waterworks Lane) even more difficult for existing Residents, not to mention making the roads more dangerous. This will especially affect Waterworks Lane, Myddleton Lane and Golborne Road ? including a nursing home, which may require the emergency services. This will be further compounded by the Parkside and Peel Hall developments. Waterworks Lane will need to be significantly reprofiled to allow the increase in two-way traffic ? thus putting pressure on other surrounding roads in addition to those I?ve mentioned, such as Hornby Lane. Contrary to what the developers and owners believe, the site is not in a sustainable location. They state ?appropriate access to the site can be provided? ? however, this ?access? does not help the significant impact it will have on the surrounding road network in the historic village of Winwick.

Modification if applicable

The proposed development should be moved to a brownfield site on the existing primary road network