Respondent name
Rachel Helen Grant
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I wish to object to the development at Thelwall Heys and do not consider it to be legally compliant, sound or compliant with the duty to cooperate.
I do not believe there has been sufficient, adequate consultation on these proposals particularly given Covid restrictions which have limited people's ability to engage with the plans. This has had the most detrimental effect on the most vulnerable and elderly in our community, many of whom have lived here for decades, feel very strongly about the plans but have not been able to travel to consultations to see the plans for themselves. Greater efforts should have been made to engage at a more local level.
Nor do i accept that the sustainability appraisal produced is adequate or sufficient. This area is a unique piece of unspoilt farmland in the centre of our community. It epitomises the agricultural heritage of the area and its loss would have a devastating impact on our community. Not only is the land of agricultural benefit it is also a haven for for local wildlife which is visible for all to see currently and will disappear with the advent of this development. I do not accept that current proposals to mitigate the impact of this is in any way adequate. This is green belt land and should remain as such, preserving wildlife, heritage of our area and the distinction between Grappenhall and Thelwall which this development will blur entirely leading to yet more urban sprawl. The development will permanently destroy vital insect, bird, small amphibian and mammal life (fox, bats, badgers, deer, rabbits, hares). In addition vital, traditional hedgerows and woodland will be eliminated from our local environment permanently. This loss is not justified taking into account reasonable alternatives identified elsewhere in the plan-areas where the impact and loss of wildlife, woodland and green belt land is far less.
Traffic and consequently air pollution will undoubtedly increase and strain on local school, dentistry and medical places will increase to an unbearable level. Again, i do not believe that proposals to mitigate this are in any way specific enough or sufficient. Proposals are opaque, vague and unclear.
Greater priority should be given to the development of Brownfield sites.

Modification if applicable

MD5 Thelwall Heys should be removed from the plan entirely.