Respondent name
Nick Cumberland
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Local Plan is unsound and non compliant due to a number of reasons. I am focusing on the level of housing in the south of the borough with no additional highways capacity, except for link roads within the proposed development parcels themselves.
There should be an exceptional basis for removing green belt, this has not being done. In your plan you state that development focuses on green belt which is performing poorly, what is your evidence of this in south Warrington? It is all currently farmed land, but just happens to be owned by Homes England.
The loss of green belt needs demonstrating better, currently there is no rationale for this inclusion. However, what makes this plan fundamentally floored is the lack of highways infrastructure to support the proposed new housing in the south. No additional highways are being proposed (with the exception of a small link road in Stretton), yet the ability to go north/ south through Warrington is already at over capacity. If there is an accident on the motorway or boat down the Manchester ship canal then all of Warrington on the north/ south spine A49 and surrounding roads become gridlocked. This reduces air quality and cannot be resolved with significant highways infrastructure including additional canal crossings which are not effected by boats. Proposed Western Link will not impact this at all as if does nothing to resolve the flow of traffic north south through Appleton/ Stockton Heath and down the Causeway. This itself will be impacted by the proposed town centre waterfront developments.

Given a proposed development of this size, significant social/ commercial infrastructure needs including. Again it is hard to see where and when this would be delivered, which would result in a very car centric and dominant estate being built.

I have no issues with new housing, but I do have when there is inadequate infrastructure to support this and better brownfield alternatives on offer.