Respondent name
Steven Atherton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Throughout my life living in Warrington I have experience waste and inefficiency in administering local plans. Assets have never fulfilled their economic lives eg: Fordton Leisure, Warrington Market, Birchwood 41 water feature to name a few.
Where the above is concerned the council demonstrate daily their inability to maintain or provide adequate infrastructure, an inability to properly maintain footpaths and cycleways, an inability to control litter or collect litter promptly and efficiently. The scale of the local plans indicates a massive increase in future development and ultimately broken promises going forward. A level of complexity will need to be taken on that the council will be unable to fulfill. Values will be eroded in monetary and quality terms as we can see now with the Barrett housing developments.Local facilities will become more inadequate than the are now.There will be more waste and inefficiency taking place. There will be congestion, an increase in crime and public disorder between motorists, cyclists ,pedestrians and dog owners.Litter will increase exponentially Green spaces will deteriorate further. Habitats for wild life will be displaced. Warringtons investments in terms of wind farms in Scotland and solar farms in York and Hull are merely examples of robbing Peter to pay Paul where the carbon footprint is concerned. There will be more pollution a decrease in quality of life and a gretaer demand on resources. Warrington Borough Council need to take a step back from wanting to be a city and consider it's people for once, not the salaries and pension plans of it's officers not to mention the egos of messrs Broomhead , Boden et al, not forgetting their own personal interest and sidelines.

Modification if applicable

Drastically reduce the destruction of Green Belt land and prioritise bringing the many run down and derelict buildings and sites that are a blight on Warrington and put these underused assets to a proper use for the benefit of all eg: former Packet house pub site at lower bridge street which is a disgrace. The public at large had to witness the disgraceful circus event called COP26. Warrington could take charge of making the town of Warrington truly greener and protect the green space reduce congestion rather than always creating it. Trees could be planted where the council can't manage their own maintenance. Underused inner town areas such as Bank Park could be put to better use just like the walled Garden at Grappenhall

Paragraph/policy sub

10.2.9 The development of the South East Warrington Urban extension will ensure the permanence of the revised Green Belt boundaries whilst preserving important ecological and heritage assets within the site. STRONGLY DISAGREE