Respondent name
Andrew Shaw
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

These proposals of approximately 1330 house will increase the demand on an already overstretched infrastructure in the area by increasing the number or Residents in the local area.
As a Resident of Winwick is it increasingly difficult to obtain both medical and dental services as the current providers are at capacity, the increase of usage that this proposal will generate will place further demands on facilities that are already at capacity.
The current education facilities at Winwick CofE School are at capacity with their requirement to submit plans to extend their site onto the leisure facilities of the local community park and this is without the demands faced by this new proposal.
The current road network in the area is at capacity and placing additional traffic will have a negative environmental impact due to the congestion and static vehicles. There will be a reduction in safety for the children and vulnerable Residents of the area who will be required to navigate the increased traffic flow at peak times. The roads in Winwick are already used as a diversionary route by many drivers when there is congestion on both the M6 and M62 motorways and increasing the Residential developments will increase this problem. The road networks are at capacity and are not able to change in their design without affecting the local area and increasing the carbon footprint from vehicle usage. The current designs have been in place for many years, prior to the large developments at both the Spires and Winwick Park and these further plans will result in an increase in the usage further to an unacceptable level.
There are proposals the develop the Parkside area and despite the restrictions planned for HGV vehicles there will no doubt be an increase in general traffic passing through Winwick to the site. The continued development of the Omega site also placed an increased usage on the local roads in the area, especially when there is there is the previously mention motorway congestion.
As a longstanding Resident of Winwick I have pride in the historical significance the area and buildings have. This increased development will impact on the local surroundings of not only St Oswald?s Well but also the Battle of Winwick.
Development of the area to this capacity will have a negative impact upon the mental health of the current Residents. The open spaces forming part of the green belt allow the current Residents to exercise and relax, development of these would remove this ability, this development will encroach to this area.
Development on this land will increase the flood risk to the area by increasing surface run off to local water courses and demand on the drainage network. There will also be a negative result on the local wildlife as many habits would be destroyed by the initial development.

Paragraph/policy sub

Winwick OS6 and Peel Hall MD4