Respondent name
Alasdair Elder
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Further housing development in MD2 area would lose significant amount of green space which is harmful to the environment and against the objective to reduce changes to the climate. Adding yet more houses would increase emissions during the construction phases and afterwards during their occupation and double-fold by reducing the amount of green area that may contribute to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere both locally and nationally. Also the covering over of land that can absorb heavy rainfall by instead using concrete and tarmac would mean a corresponding increasing use of drainage and sewerage to cope with additional housing pressures and rainfall/run-off waters which would exacerbate problems with drainage and sewer capacity in the local areas to MD2. This is not a sound proposal from that perspective.

With regards to co-operations the current plan does not portray the existing housing developments in MD2 that are already fully underway - the 300 new housing being built along Dipping Brook Avenue and Black Cap Road. There is already signifucant green belt land lost under those new areas and yet the plan does not display this on the map display on the council website.

It is not sound, nor properly consulted with the existing Resident in South East Warrington, especially with regard to MD2. The volume of additional housing proposed would increase the use of South Warrington infrastructure: roads, bridges (too few already), rainwater run-off exacerbated by loss of soak-up green land; sewers, electricity supply (recent underground cable break in Green Lane demonstrating this point); and less-than-helpful extension of the gas network causing yet more disruption in Lumb Brook Area and A56 Chester Road traffic light junctions at a time when we should be considering reducing gas boiler / oil-fired boiler usages.

Furthermore I cannot foresee any additional use for yet further warehousing/distribution centres in DEV4 whilst there are empty plots at Apple and Barleycastle existing sites. The roundabout at Cliff Lane/Knutsford Road is already very small and gets ground down by heavy vehicles travelling East to the M6/M56 motorway - there is no need to make that roundabout worse by allowing new heavy-lorry connections at DEV4. A though process that seems tied to Lorries and Heavy Fuel use that again is counter to current trends of fewer HGV drivers and rising fossil fuel costs - the idea that we should be adding to these problems locally does not make sense.

Modification if applicable

The starting point of the local plan needs to recognise the current climate change emergency and start to address - reduced needs for travel for work, build housing closer to railway stations and not away from railway terminus, preserve as much green space as possible and look to increase that, not to reduce that space, reduce the relaince on road infrastructure since it is already a congestion disaster in Warrington whenever any surrounding motorway accident occurs - and by building yet more roads just adds capacity to make that congestion even worse not better.