Respondent name
Julie Isabella Ryan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

In response to your plans for developments around the Grappenhall, Appleton, Appleton Thorn area, I strongly object. As a Resident in Grappenhall, this will cause significant issues in the area.

I don't see that there has been a clear case for release of green belt and building on these areas will lead to a loss of unique character to our local villages due to the unchecked housing sprawl.

Priorities do not seem to have been given to brown field sites, whilst Ferrybridge is now under planning proposals, there are other such sites in Warrington clearly in need of regeneration, rather than attacking our greenbelt and environmental considerations. The destruction of wildlife habitats is monstrous and creating narrow corridors such like as Grappenhall Heys is not going to preserve our wildlife already in decline.

There is no justification for the amount of housing that has been proposed - the amount is well beyond government targets.

There is no plan to support the infrastructure of the development plan, ie no plans for extra schools. The schools in the area are already at capacity and have no further room for extension. Also GP surgeries are currently maximised with ability to get appointments poor already, no further surgeries are planned. Warrington Hospital is already failing on it's NHS A&E target to treat within 4 hours, this will only worsen with the added in crease in population and no plans to build a further hospital.

Traffic congestion in Warrington is already is maximised at peak times already and can often be found to be gridlocked when there are issues on the motorways, there are no significant detailed plans to look at how this will be managed. The Western Link Road proposal is lacking in detail and covers areas currently inhabited. Further crossings on the Ship Canal also contribute this peak loading.

Significantly in relation to my earlier points 4 out of 5 of the key criteria for releasing green belt have NOT been met:

- Checking unrestricted sprawl
- assisting in safeguarding the countryside-
- preserve setting and special character of historic areas (Grappenhall Church Lane is a Listed area)
-Assist in urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land

My 8 year old daughter is horrified at what her village will become as we go walking and I tell her field after field will be vandalised by the local council and greedy developers.

Modification if applicable

Please see objections above