Connecting with friends, family and your local community is an important way to reduce loneliness and social isolation, and improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

Why does this matter?

People who have strong community connections are less likely to experience dementia, depression, anxiety, and suicide. During the pandemic, people have been increasingly reliant on online services to access basics such as food, medicines, health services, and social connections.

We know that older people do not always have access to the internet or a smartphone. By giving you the tools, resources, skills and support to access technology, we can reduce some of the barriers to making positive social connections. If you prefer ‘real life’ connections, our local community and voluntary groups can support you to meet others and get out and about.

Help and support with making connections

Self-help resources and information

  • Age UK provide friendship services to combat loneliness. Call 0800 6781602 for more information
  • LiveWire library staff can support you to use a variety of computers and devices. To find your nearest library, visit LiveWire’s libraries webpage

Digital apps to connect with family, friends and the community

  • Social media is a great way to connect with friends, family and communities. Apps such as Twitter and Facebook are a great way of connecting with people we know and making new connections in the community
  • If you’re new to social media, you can access help and support to use it by contacting Lifetime on 01925 246824. Warrington Disability Partnership can also support you - call 01925 240064 for more information
9 February 2024