Adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on your health and help you to manage any long-term conditions you have. We can all take steps towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as drinking less alcohol, keeping socially and physically active, stopping smoking, and by keeping hydrated and eating well.

Why does this matter?

A healthy lifestyle can help us to manage long-term conditions and reduce the risk of developing any future complications, while improving our overall wellbeing.

  • Staying hydrated can prevent urinary tract infections and will reduce the chances of over-using antibiotics and/or needing hospital admission
  • Stopping smoking will reduce your risks of developing cancer, improve long-term lung conditions, and reduce chest infections
  • Eating well can help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future, and can help to improve blood pressure and cholesterol. For those with type 2 diabetes, eating well is an important way of managing this condition
  • Regular reviews of your medications can ensure you are managing your health conditions in the best way possible

Help and support with managing medication and health conditions

Self-help resources and information

You can speak with Citizens Advice Bureau for information about COVID recovery

Visit the NHS website to find a pharmacy local to you.

NHS health and care app library

The NHS’s digital app library features a number of apps and information to help support you with managing medication and health conditions. Below are just some of the apps you can access:

  • The Manage my Pain app allows you to monitor your pain, identify triggers and track patterns
  • The NHS Food Scanner app helps you to choose the healthier food options for you and your family
  • The Smoke Free quit smoking app offers advice to help you quit smoking and keep track of your progress using your smartphone
  • The NHS Drink Free Days app helps you to keep track of how much alcohol you drink, and offers advice on how to drink less
  • The NHS Active 10 walking tracker helps you to keep track of your daily 10 minute walks to improve your general health and wellbeing
10 April 2024