Flooding in Warrington
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Staying healthy at home is a good way of maintaining your independence and sense of wellbeing. Whether you have care needs, a disability, or need support into older age, it is important that people can continue to lead active and fulfilling lives, while remaining safe and secure at home.
Living safe and well at home is important for ensuring independence and helping to reduce hospital admissions. Falls at home are a major reason for older people being admitted to hospital, and in many cases can be avoided through home-based strength and balance exercises, as well as small home adaptations.
Having access to the right services, support, equipment, and technology, at the right time, can help us all to live and age well. Living in a home that meets your needs is also important in terms of ensuring warmth, accessibility and mobility.
The NHS’s free digital app library includes apps to help support your health and wellbeing. The KOKU app can be accessed in this library, which is a user-friendly falls prevention app that can be used on iPads.