Weight is a complex issue. We cannot solve it by telling people to move more and eat better or by putting everyone on a diet. As well as our individual biology, genetics and behaviour, there are many more factors that affect our weight. For example, how much money we have, where we live, our culture and our family. There are a range of both local and national offers available to offer relevant support.
Local weight management support:
For adults:
Livewire Better Health programme:
The Livewire lifestyles team can provide a free programme of support, tailored to your needs. The programme consists of either group sessions, where you’ll meet like-minded people going through the same experience, telephone/virtual or one to one support if preferred. The Lifestyle Team exclusively supports people who have a Body mass Index (BMI) of 30+. For further information, visit Losing Weight • Livewire.
NHS Weight Loss Plan:
Download the free NHS Weight Loss Plan to help you start healthier eating habits and become more active.
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme:
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme could help you if you are living with obesity and also have diabetes, high blood pressure, or both. If this is you, you could benefit from this 12-week programme so speak to your GP to be referred.
For children, young people and families:
Healthier Families Digital Programme:
A free digital healthy weight 8 week programme is available to under 5’s as well as both primary and secondary school children. The eight sessions consist of five virtual/online and three in-person home visits. An example programme may consist of information and advice on portion sizes, fussy eatings, oral health and how to read a food label. This is a rolling programme which is accessible 52 weeks a year with minimal wait. Anyone can refer onto the programme, plus a child/ family can self-refer. For more information email [email protected].
Every Body Counts:
A free programme for children and young people aged 5-16 years* (up to 25 years with special educational needs) and their families. The Every Body Counts programme aims to empower young people with the knowledge, tools, and confidence they need to lead healthier lives now and in the future. Every Body Counts will offer a range of engaging activities and resources designed to support young people’s wellbeing through movement, nutrition, emotional wellbeing support, and family-focused activities. For further information call 01925 248894 or visit Every Body Counts.
*When child’s BMI measures over the 91st centile.
Undernutrition & Malnutrition
An issue which is now commonly recognised in the UK is malnutrition. Malnutrition is a serious condition that happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients and can result in low body weight. It means ‘poor nutrition’ and can refer to:
- Undernutrition – not getting enough nutrients
- Overnutrition – getting more nutrients than needed.
For more information on undernutrition in adults or children, visit the NHS website.
The cost of living crisis has in some cases unfortunately led to hunger-related undernutrition. For further information and support, visit the Warrington Food Network and cost of living support page.
Healthier weight during and after pregnancy
Putting on too much weight during pregnancy can increase your risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Here are some resources to help you maintain a healthy weight during and after pregnancy;
- Exercise in pregnancy - NHS during pregnancy
- Keeping fit and healthy with a baby - NHS after pregnancy
Healthier Families - Healthy eating tips and recipes.
Additional information and resources:
- BMI calculator - Use the BMI calculator from the NHS to check your body mass index (BMI) and find out if you're a healthy weight.
- Lose weight - Better Health - NHS.