We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Rebecca Cookson
Rebecca Blackhurst
Rebecca Glover
Rebecca Jane Aspinall
Rebecca Robinson
Reece Thorpe
Richard Glover
Richard Harris
Richard Mawdsley
Richard Whalley
Robert Altess
Robert Bolton
Robert Leighton
Robert Leslie Towers
Robert Sharples
Robert Shaw
Robyn Harrison
Rodney Browne
Roger Parr
Rory Pritchard
Roxanne Williams
Ruby Jones
Ruby Sahota
Ruth Adam
S Battye
Sally Jones
Sam Iddon
Sam Johnstone
Samantha Green
Samantha Roberts
Samuel Bradford
Sandra Kavanagh
Sara Smithson
Sarah Boniface
Sarah Browning
Sarah Dowdeswell
Sarah Eden-Heyes
Sarah Gardner
Sarah Robinson
Scott Evans
Scott Williamson
Sean Smart
Sharon Irene Liddiard
Sharon McHugh
Sheila Rylance-Perks
Simon Eden
Simon Sharples
Sofia Main
Sophie Charnock
Sophie Turnbull