We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Stella M McGeachin
Stephen houghton
Stephen McManus
Steven Crozier
Stewart Eden
Stuart Mann
Stuart whittle
Susan Harris
Susan Harrop
Susan Jackson
Susan Langhorne
Susan Sproston
Suzanne Craig
Suzanne Morley
Terry Dunn
Thea Whalley
Thomas Baker
Thomas Boniface
Thomas Ghee
Thomas Herron
Thomas Rigby
Tim Iddon
Tina Dutton
Tracy Sheriff
Tristan Robinson
Tylah Cliffe
Valerie Linda Parkinson
Valerie Vernon
Vicky lawless
Victoria Benson
Victoria Brathing
Victoria Neimarlija
Walter Taylor
Warrington Action Against Inappropriate Development
Wayne Heath
Wendy Rennison
Wesley David Hunter
William Shaw
Yvonne Chadwick
Yvonne Clarke
Jane Rowlinson
Anthony Woods
Jon Halliday
Gill Chadwick
Dorothy Wolstencroft
Kathryn Lloyd
Ken Roberts
Stephen Hilton
Samuel Bradford
Louis Mullineux