Connecting people, places and services to support people to Live Well

What does Living Well mean?

Living Well is all about connecting people, communities and services to enable people to:

  • Live and age well, be active and live healthy, fulfilling lives
  • Connect with people, their communities and services that promote wellbeing and independence
  • Take greater control over their own health, wellbeing and resilience

We want everyone to know how to live well in Warrington and have the resources to support them to do this.

What are the aims of Living Well?

Put simply, we want to help improve the health and wellbeing of people in Warrington. We want to support residents of Warrington to live well – have good mental and physical health, be active, and be able to get ‘out and about’ and connect with others.

Through Living Well, we want to be able to promote activities, places and events to support health and wellbeing, promote local and national health campaigns and signpost to where you can go to get more general help.

Key Living Well themes

Living Well projects

An artist impression of the Living Well Hub

Due to open in winter 2023, the Living Well Hub is a Town Deal-funded facility that will support the health and wellbeing of our residents, with a focus on enabling people to look after themselves, to live happily, healthily and independently for longer.

Birchwood Encounter Centre with the Talking Point logo in front

Talking Points are places you can go to get friendly, face-to-face information, support and guidance to help you to live and stay well in Warrington. They’re safe places for you to access personalised information and support to help with the issues that matter to you. 

27 February 2024