Back entrance of Pyramid

We’re committed, as a town, to investing in our heritage, culture and the arts. There is now a huge amount of work going on to support future generations of artists and performers and connect people from across the borough with culture and the arts.

This work has accelerated following the study of the Cultural Commission into how we can build culture into the fabric of life in Warrington and use it as a driver for regeneration.

We will be using part of the Town Deal funding to drive forward the next step in our cultural journey – a remastered Cultural Hub.

The plans will see the transformation of the Pyramid Arts Centre – which sits in the heart of our Cultural Quarter – through:

  • Redesigning Pyramid centre into an accessible, fit-for-purpose, modern and flexible space as a multi-disciplinary venue, hosting high quality touring arts productions and presentation that inspire a love of culture and the arts. 
  • The development of an exciting, enhanced creative programme.
  • Developing new ways to actively engage local people in culture and the arts.
  • Nurturing local creativity and accelerating talent development.
  • Introducing a new management model – led by Culture Warrington - which enables creative leaders to shape programming, form creative partnerships and drive forward dynamic programming and growth. 

In late 2022, Lovelock Mitchell Architects were appointed to take forward the feasibility work that had been prepared, and take the project through the next stages. Planning approval for a viable proposal which will deliver the key aims of the business case was achieved in early 2024.

Following a comprehensive procurement and selection exercise, Gallaway Construction were chosen as the main contractor in August 2024. With Pyramid now closed to the public, work started on site in September 2024.

Meanwhile, Pyramid’s Box Office has relocated to Parr Hall and Culture Warrington’s performances and community events continue from temporary and alternative venues across the town. We look forward to Pyramid re-opening by early 2026.

17 December 2024