Our Town Deal work culminated in the submission of our Town Investment Plan. You can read this plan, alongside other supporting documentation, on this page.

The board meets every two months.

Read our Town Investment Plan (TIP) in full

Supporting documentation

Meeting agendas and minutes
Thematic group minutes

The thematic groups met in 2019 and early 2020, as part of detailed stakeholder engagement as part of forming our Town Investment Plan. 

This work complemented the wider public engagement we undertook as part of the My Town campaign, where we asked you, our residents, for ideas and suggestions.

Warrington Town Board Terms of Reference


Warrington Town Board will serve as an advisory function to Warrington Borough Council, in the Council’s role as the accountable body, for  key programmes dedicated to supporting place, community development, economic growth and enhancing the overall well-being of Warrington:

  • Warrington Town Deal (Towns Fund)
  • Warrington UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)
  • Levelling Up Funds (LUF)

The role of the board is to:

  • Develop, agree and submit to UK Government an evidenced based Town Investment Plan,
  • Oversee delivery of the UKSPF Investment Plan
  • Oversee the submission of Levelling Up Fund bids and, if successful, provide oversight advice and support for the programme delivery
  • Develop a clear programme of interventions,
  • Coordinate resources and influence stakeholders,
  • Oversee delivery progress, risks, funding allocation and other programme requirements,
  • Uphold transparency and accountability,
  • Act as a ‘critical friend’ to Warrington Borough Council, supporting strong governance by providing external scrutiny.

The Town Board will bring together a multitude of existing partners from across the Borough.

All members of the Town Board will be expected to adhere to the Board’s Code of Conduct ANNEX 1


In line with the Towns Fund prospectus issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG), now Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), in November 2019, the Town Board will be established by Warrington Borough Council as the accountable body.

The Town Investment Plan will be a locally owned document and will not require sign off by Government.

The Town Board will align with the governance standards and policies of Warrington Borough Council as the accountable body including matters relating to whistle blowing, conflicts of interest, and complaints.

The Town Board acts as an advisory function to Warrington Borough Council.

The Town Investment Plan and all decisions which would be classified as a ‘key decision in line with the Warrington Borough Council Constitution will require approval of Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet prior to being enacted.

Membership & leadership

The Board will comprise of members that reflect the diversity of the town that represent different interests of the town.

The Town Board will be chaired by a local private sector leader with the Chief Executive of Warrington Borough Council as Deputy Chair.

Warrington Borough Council will provide secretariat support for the meetings of the Board.

The S151 officer will provide government with a comprehensive set of data, monitoring, and evaluation in relation to the key programmes.

All members of the Board are bound by the Council’s Code of Conduct, see Annex 1.

Detailed functions

  1. To provide advice to teams that are established to develop and deliver the programmes and funding and their respective investment plans, the strategic elements of which will include:

    a. Background, context and evidence of need for suggested interventions.

    b. A vision for the town, complementing agreed or emerging local economic strategies.

    c. A high-level description of priority areas for the short, medium and long term, including:

    1. Activity that can be locally funded,
    2. Projects that could be supported by public investment (including through the Towns Fund), with high level cost estimates,
    3. Ambitions for private sector investment and community involvement.
  2. To provide a forum through which information relating to delivery of the Town Deal programme and associated Town Investment Plan, UKSPF programme and Levelling Up Fund programmes can be communicated.
  3. To provide a comprehensive oversight and understanding of existing and emerging policy frameworks that could be relevant to the Government’s wider Levelling Up policies and programmes, which includes Towns Fund, UKSPF and Levelling Up Fund, or other relevant Government policy objectives.
  4. To identify opportunities that could lead to long-term transformative change to Warrington’s economic, social and environmental outcomes, as achievable through the Town Deal, UKSPF and Levelling Up Fund programmes.
  5. To ensure all duties related to Equalities and Environmental Impact assessments are undertaken
  6. To engage, at an early stage, private investors and developers and to collaboratively identify opportunities for private investment.
  7. The governance structure and decision-making structures of the Town Board will be made public by Warrington Borough Council.
  8. Warrington Borough Council, acting as accountable body, will set out how funding will be spent, and how that will support the process of delivering the Town Investment Plan, UKSPF Investment Plan and Levelling Up Fund projects.
  9. Warrington Borough Council will record all meetings, including the recording of Conflicts of Interest, and retain in line with its GDPR and document retention policies.
  10. To support transparency principles Warrington Borough Council will publish on its website:
    1. A documented decision-making process outlining the voting rights of the Board to be published
    2. Profiles of Board Members to be published
    3. To publish draft minutes of meetings on the Lead Council’s website following the meeting (within 10 clear working days)
    4. To publish final minutes on the Lead Council’s website, once approved by the Board (within 10 clear working days)

Meetings frequency

Meetings will take place every two months.

Supporting sub-groups will be established as required.   

Annex 1

Code of conduct

Key principals

All Members of Warrington Town Board will be expected to follow the 7 Principles of Public Life (also known as the ‘Nolan Principles’). The decisions and actions of the Town Board will be informed by these principles as follows…


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.


Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.


Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.


Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.


Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.


Holders of public office should be truthful.


Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

General conduct of board members

Each Warrington Town Board Member has a duty to ensure the safeguarding of public funds and the proper custody of assets which have been publicly funded. Board Members must carry out these obligations responsibly – that is, take appropriate measures to ensure that the body uses resources efficiently, economically and effectively, avoiding waste and extravagance. It will always be an improper use of public funds for the Town Board or any of its members to employ consultants or other companies to lobby Parliament, Government or political parties.


Members of the Town Board must comply with the rules set by the board and the public body regarding any remuneration, allowances and expenses. It is individual Board Members’ responsibility to ensure compliance with all relevant HM Revenue and Customs’ requirements concerning payments, including expenses.

Gifts and Hospitality. Board Members must not accept any gifts or hospitality which might, or might reasonably appear to, compromise personal judgement or integrity or place a Board Member under an improper obligation.

Town Board Members must never canvass or seek gifts or hospitality.

Town Board Members should inform the Chair of the Town Board (or the deputy in the case of the Chair) of any offer of gifts or hospitality and ensure that, where a gift or hospitality is accepted, this is recorded in a public register.

Town Board Members are responsible for individual decisions on the acceptance of gifts or hospitality and for ensuring that any gifts or hospitality accepted can stand up to public scrutiny and do not bring the Town Board into disrepute.

Use of Official Resources

Town Board Members must not misuse official resources for personal gain or for political purposes.

Use of Official Information

Town Board Members must not misuse information gained in the course of your public service for personal gain or for political purpose.

Town Board Members must not disclose any information which is confidential in nature, or which is provided in confidence without authority. This duty continues to apply after you have left the board.

[1] Definition of a key decision is a decision which is likely to result in Warrington Borough Council incurring expenditure, making savings or vireing £250,000 or more having regard to the Local Authority budget for the service or functions to which the decision relates; or is significant in terms of its effects communities living or working within Warrington Borough Council's area comprising two or more Wards.

23 December 2024