The changes to Kingsway Bridge are part of a complete active travel plan which promotes more walking and cycling around the Town Centre. Funded as part of Warrington’s Town Investment Plan from 2020 and approved by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) in 2022.

At the moment there is no formal cycle route on Kingsway Bridge even though a survey shows several cycle users. It also showed cycle users are choosing to cycle on the pavement, creating conflict with people walking. This could be due to the traffic levels and speeds being intimidating and people feeling unsafe when cycling, hence they are cycling on the footway. By providing a high-quality cycle route separated from the carriageway and footway we would expect more people to cycle along the route leading to health / environmental benefits and helping to tackle congestion. This is particularly true for the children accessing the nearby High School.

Kingsway bridge - towards Kingsway south

3D visualisation showing improvements to junction South of Kingsway bridge. Including a bi-directional cycleway, dutch kerbing and improved tactile paving at crossings

Main scheme features

The main features of the scheme are as follows:                                               

  • A Two-way separate cycle route on the east side of the bridge.
  • Cycle improvements including a cycle crossing at the roundabout to the north with a cycle route west onto Farrell Street.
  • Improved pedestrian path from Farrell Street to Bridgewater Avenue.
  • Shared use services for pedestrians and cycle users at the junction to the south of the bridge.
  • Three new crossings including two on Kingsway North and one across Kingsway South.
  • The proposals will not be removing traffic capacity from these links as there is the same number of lanes.

Scheme images

Kingsway bridge - bridge overview

3D visualisation showing proposed cross section of Kingsway bridge which includes two lanes for motor vehicles, a bi-directional cycleway and wide, improved pedestrian pavement

Kingsway bridge towards Farrell Street

3D visualisation showing improvements to the roundabout north of Kingsway Bridge including a new signalised control crossing and a bi-directional cycleway

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be implemented?

The main features of the scheme are as follows:

  • Two-way segregated cycle route on east side of bridge
  • Cycle improvements including a cycle crossing at gyratory to the north with cycle route west onto Farrell Street.
  • Improved pedestrian path extending from Farrell Street to Bridgewater Avenue.
  • Shared use facilities for pedestrians and cycle users at the junction to the south of the bridge.
  • Three new crossings including two on Kingsway North and one across Kingsway South.

How does it affect you?

Walking and Wheeling

The footway will be resurfaced, creating a smoother and safer pavement for everyone.

Three new crossings will be introduced, providing safe crossing points both north and south of the bridge. Where signalised, people walking and wheeling get the green signal to cross whilst all motorised vehicles are stopped at a red light.

The segregated nature of the cycle track will reduce conflict between pedestrians and cycle users, improving safety for pedestrians.


A two-way segregated cycle route will be continuous across the bridge, linking to shared use paths and this will be signed accordingly. In a shared uses area pedestrians have priority, and cyclists should give way.


People driving will notice minimal difference. Traffic capacity will not be negatively affected as the number of lanes across the bridge will be staying the same.

Why will it be done?

Kingsway Bridge provides connections from Latchford northwest to the Town Centre. There are existing walking and cycling connections west to Stockton Health, Walton and beyond via the Trans Pennine Trail, along the river.

Currently, there is no formal cycle provision on Kingsway Bridge, despite count surveys showing several cycle users. Count surveys showed that currently cycle users are choosing to cycle on the pavement, creating conflict with pedestrians. This could be due to the traffic levels and speeds being intimidating and people feeling unsafe when cycling, hence they are cycling on the footway.

By providing a high-quality cycle route separated from the carriageway and footway we would expect more people to cycle along the route leading to health / environmental benefits and helping to tackle congestion. This is particularly true for the children accessing the nearby High SchoolThe objectives of this scheme are to:

  • Improve access to the high school by active modes.
  • Improve safety for all road users by segregating modes and reducing conflict
  • Provide a safe walking and cycling route connecting south of the river up towards the Town Centre and beyond.

What about the rest of Warrington, what else is being done to improve walking, wheeling and cycling?

At the moment there is no formal cycle way along Kingsway Bridge, despite count surveys showing several cycle users. Count surveys showed that currently cycle users are choosing to cycle on the pavement, creating conflict with pedestrians.

Kingsway Bridge provides connections from Latchford northwest to the Town Centre. There are existing walking and cycling connections west to Stockton Health, Walton and beyond via the Trans Pennine Trail, along the river.

There are additional walking and cycling schemes across the borough, including those already implemented and those currently being planned. For example, the recently implemented CYCLOPS junction at Lovely Lane / Bewsey Road. There are also future plans to implement improvements to footways, a new two-way cycleway and road surface improvements along Bewsey Road.

Walking is also generally a part of bus journeys and improvements to walking infrastructure can improve connections to bus stops.

When will it be done?

Currently exact dates are unknown for the construction of this scheme. However, construction is programmed to start early 2025 and be completed summer 2025. These high-level dates are subject to the result of consultation.

How much disruption and delay to traffic will be caused by the works?

Will there be road closures/diversions?

There will be disruption caused by traffic management/ lane closures/ road closures however these are necessary and will be kept to a minimum to complete the scheme and for the safety of the workforce.

The details will be finalised with the contractor when they are onboard in programming the works.

All road closures will be notified on site and via letter to properties in close proximity in advance and will also be publicised on the scheme website.

How can I get involved/give my opinion?

You can tell us your opinion on the scheme using our online survey: before Monday 2nd December.

We are also holding two in-person consultation events at Westy Community Centre where you can speak to members of the team about the plans:

  • Monday 11th November 2024, 2pm-7pm
  • Saturday 16th November 2024, 10am-1pm

How will this scheme be funded?

Funding streams

The Council has funding through the Town Deal Fund to deliver a series of sustainable travel measures across Warrington. This funding is supplemented by developer funding through a Section 106 agreement.

Warrington Town Board is a group of business, political, leisure, cultural, community and education leaders. In February 2022, our Town Deal took a huge step forward, with confirmation that the £22.1m funding for all seven projects was given the go-ahead by The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). One of these seven projects is a Sustainable Travel Programme which the Bewsey Road scheme falls under.


The scheme budget is currently £1.1m. This is made up of £900,000 from the Town Deal and over £200,000 from a Section 106 Agreement

Why aren’t we using these funds for something else such as filling potholes?

Funding for this scheme comes from developer funding and central government funding which has been allocated to the improvements for walking and cycling infrastructure and therefore cannot be reallocated by local government to spend on alternative schemes such as filling potholes.

Will the scheme affect the structural integrity of the bridge?

This scheme will not impact the structural integrity of the bridge. A detailed bridge assessment has been undertaken which shows that the scheme will have no impact on the bridges capability of carrying the same amount of loads as it currently carries.

How will the scheme be maintained?

The maintenance of the scheme will be undertaken by Warrington Borough Council. A maintenance plan will be drafted prior to the delivery of the scheme.

This consultation is now closed

Consultation - have your say

We will be consulting on the Kingsway Bridge improvements between Monday 4 November and Monday 2 December 2024. Please fill out our survey to tell us what you think of the plans.

In person

Drop in events at Westy Community Centre, Bridgewater Ave, Latchford East, Warrington WA4 1TA

  • Monday 11 November 2024, 2pm-7pm
  • Saturday 16 November 2024, 10am-1pm
9 December 2024