We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


John Groves (Mr & Mrs Rothwell)
Pat Burch (Grappenhall & Thelwall Parish Council)
Bents Garden Centre
Natalie Belford (Manchester Airport Group)
Malanie Lindsley (Coal Authority)
GMCA (GMCA Minerals & Waste)
John Appleton (Stretton Neighbourhood Development Plan Group)
Nigel Crompton
Mike Fairhurst
Jill Evans
Claire Smith
Brenda Pearson
Bob Pearson
Terry Coultert
Maureen Coultert
Shadia Newall
Victoria Bridge
Judy Mulvee
Dorab Fox
Dariane Moore
Richard Witter
Annemarie Ogden
Anne Lamb
Wendy Buckley
Glen Boden
Ian Buckley
Annette Pritchard
Dr Stephen Foster
Susan Foster
Jeffrey Hall
Rebecca Whitty
Catherine Whitty
Neil Finegan
Claire Bramwell
Ann Fairbairn
Geoff Woods
Pauline Woods
Anne McMurtrie
Mr J Neale
Mrs L Neale
April Keane
Rebecca Hetherington
Andrew Bogle
Mr J Neale
Kenneth Whiston
Gordon Matthews
Tom Rowlands
Janice Rowlands
Linda Thomson
Julian Stow