We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Joelle Phillips
Jayne Rudge
Mr S Rudge
Sharon Brimelow
Christina Jarman
Brendan Egan
Isabel Chadwick
Pam Seed
Graham Danson
Amanda Yardley
Lewis Egan
John Simpson
Neil Hoskinson
Zach Hardman
David Parr
James Phipps
Chris Brierley
Geoff Plass
Clifford Taylor
Rose Woodcroft
Phil Gibson
Gillian Parker
Stuart Mann
Karen Brierly
Ann Jones
Ian Fountain
Liz Priest
Paul Hopkinson
Keith Ward
Philip Adams
Chris Hull
Sandra Hopkinson
Alison Broadbent
Alan Broadbent
Emma Brogan
Stephen Carr
Elizabeth Hallam
Carol Benson
Dr Iain Deas
William Mack
Christine Taylor
Geoffrey Hulme
Sarah Priest
Peter Simpson
Mrs Simpson
Mark Enderby
Linda Enderby
Kathryn Buckley
Norman Froggatt
Josephine Froggatt