We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Matthew Stewart
Barrie Simpson's
Jade Hooker
Sophie Thwaites
Andy Grundy
David Knight
Dr. Elizabeth Frances Lindon
David Smith
Susan Smith
Julia Leigh
Geraldine Leitch
Francis Leitch
Stewart Jones
Jake Honor
Gareth blears
Thomas Murray
Carl Chadwick
Nick Preston
Jonathan Dawkins
Mark Gibson
Sally Manfredi
John Morton
Geoff Stocker
Peter Hodgson
Anthony Paul Buckley
Jeremy Knox
Lorraine Morton
Strategic Land Group
Mrs R Bayne
Angela Morris
Mr W J Bradbury
Pauline Murphy
Peter Lovell
John Berrisford
Ian Shuttleworth
Mrs P McDowell
Paul Broadbent
Matt Dugdale (Bellway Homes Ltd)
Claire McCraith
Stuart Lawton
Sara Shaikh
Jamie Horton
Geraldine Simpson
Warrington RUFC and Grappenhall Tennis Club
Richard Holden
Warrington Disability Partnership
Gary Bridges
Sarah Naylor